
Marketing Management and International Perspectives

Code UE : US1722

  • Cours
  • 3 crédits




Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis

  • Bachelor’s Degree holder or equivalent
  • 3 years of professional experience
  • Proficiency in English: (TOEFL IBT 90 or IELTS: 6.5 or TOEIC 800) 
  • Openness, curiosity and willingness to engage in class discussions and exercises

L'avis des auditeurs

Les dernières réponses à l'enquête d'appréciation pour cet enseignement :

Objectifs pédagogiques

Marketing is the process by which organizations engage customers, build strong customer relationships, and create customer value in order to capture value from customers in return (Kotler P., Armstrong G., Principles of Marketing, Global Edition, Pearson 2018, p.29) This course is designed to introduce students to marketing concepts and practices in a global business environment.
Course objectives:
The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the dynamics and trends in marketing and in international marketing. They include :
  • - Analysis of macro-environment and analysis of specific geographic markets in order to identify opportunities, threats, key success factors to succeed in these markets.
  • - Then, in the different strategic business units of an organization, “students” have to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of every brand and every product (including new projects) in order to entail assets and distinctive competencies of the brand /the product
  • - A diagnosis, for which the SWOT matrix can be used, allows to appreciate if opportunities and strengths are greater than threats and weaknesses and introduces the marketing strategy
  • - What objectives, what marketing strategy for a given brand or product (segmentation, targeting and positioning choices) are to be recommended?
  • - Out of the strategy will come tactical marketing mix decisions: product policy, price policy, distribution policy and communication policy. What marketing mix to implement in order to engage customers/consumers, build strong customer relationships, and create customer value.

Compétences visées

Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
a. Understand key marketing concepts and practices in a global business environment.
b. Master the appropriate toolbox for good marketing analysis and decision
c. Be able to apply these concepts and tools to different business cases
Specifically they should know how to: a. Evaluate macro-environments and local and global market dynamics and trends,
b. Select appealing markets and develop appropriate strategies and launch plans to ensure successful execution
c. Know Global Market Research techniques
d. Master Marketing Objectives Setting and Marketing Strategy: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning in each market
e. Evaluate Global Market Entry Strategies, their advantages and risks
f. Consider Brand and Product decisions in Global marketing
g. Reflect upon Pricing decisions, which are more complicated in an international environment
h. Consider Marketing channels and physical distribution with the boom of e-commerce, m-commerce and social networks
i. Marketing communications in a digital world


  • Introduction to Marketing and Global Marketing Global Economic and Trade Environment/ Political Legal and Regulatory Environment
  • Global Economic and trade environment
  • Global social and cultural environments and the political, legal and regulatory environments
  • Global market research
  • Segmenting, targeting, positioning
  • Customer relationship and engagement
  • Global market-Entry strategy
  • Global branding & product decisions
  • From product to services marketing
  • Global pricing decisions
  • Marketing Channels and Physical distribution
  • Marketing Profiles and Organization
  • Global Marketing Communications Decisions- Digital

Modalité d'évaluation

  • Contrôle continu
  • Projet(s)
  • Examen final


  • Lendrevie, Levy : Théories et nouvelles pratiques du marketing, Mercator, Dunod, 2013
  • Keegan W.J., Green M.C. : Global marketing, Pearson Education Limited, 2013

Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants

Chargement du résultat...
Intitulé de la formation
Lieu(x) Package
Lieu(x) Paris
Intitulé de la formation Type Modalité(s) Lieu(x)


EPN 15 Stratégies - IIM
2 rue conté
75003 Paris
Tel :01 40 27 26 36
Emmanuelle Rochefort
Voir le site

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Enseignement non encore programmé