

Code UE : USM30C

  • Cours + travaux pratiques
  • 4 crédits




Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis

Master in Management MIM M2 group: Project Management & Business Engineering

Objectifs pédagogiques

As for any investment, kick off decision is made after consideration of economical and other dimensions. This course provides a number of key indicators to evaluate and sustain entrepreneurship.

Students will learn how to:
- Develop the generic business skills required for managers working in an international entrepreneurship environment
- Develop critical analysis skills and apply them to the challenges arising in the area of entrepreneurship (from the very first step of idea generation to validity testing and seed financing)
- Understand the entrepreneurship mindset and drivers
- Explain why the link between entrepreneurship and creativity and understand why creative thinking is so crucial for entrepreneurs
- Understand the patience needed to observe the fruitful outcome of an idea and how it takes time and effort to go from the conceptualization of an idea to its implementation.
- Develop the business and financial skills to prepare a credible business plan


A. From an idea to a feasibility study
Themes on idea generation, germination, preparation and incubation, feasibility study, realization and validation
1. Ideation and bench mark
  •  Ideation (origin, validation, structuration, value proposition)
  •  Bench mark (competitor direct and indirect, competitor profiles, offer differentiation,customer control)
2. Main investor criteria
  • Offer attractivity (innovation, market expectation, differentiation, protection against competition)
  •  Market attractivity (market interest, access customers, growth potential, customer access offer)
  • Team attractivity (market knowledge, expertise and experience, manager skills, project advancement)
3. Business Model Canvas
  • Offer building (problem to be solved, value proposition, the clients, unfair advantages)
  • Market organization (customer segmentation, sales channels, revenue stream)
  •  Company organization (resources, partners, activities)
B. From a Business Plan to seed financing
Themes on the business model, the social impact and the financing opportunities

4. A market analysis for a business plan
  •  Define the main themes that a market analysis should cover (the market, the clients,competition and the environment)
  • Explain the importance of product/service differentiation. Present the methods of analysis that may support your market study (SWOT, PESTEL)
  • Explain how to create your client avatar
  • Define the marketing mix and the 4 Ps.
5. The Financial Business Plan
  • Define your business financing needs and identify the working capital needed to start a new small business
  • Identify your financial sources (debt, equity, crowdfunding, savings, love money,…)
  •  Prepare a monthly 3-year sales forecast
  • Prepare a cash flow statement (direct method)
  • Prepare a 3-year income statement
  • Define the sales break-even point and study the viability of the business model
6. Impact Analysis
  • Define and measure social impact
  • Explain how economic profitability is compatible with sustainable development.

Modalité d'évaluation

Class participation and individual work
Class group work
Individual final oral presentation
Final individual exam

Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants


EPN 15 Stratégies
2 rue Conté
75003 Paris
Tel :01 58 80 84 24
Mouna Tazi

Voir le calendrier, le tarif, les conditions d'accessibilité et les modalités d'inscription dans le(s) centre(s) d'enseignement qui propose(nt) cette formation.

Enseignement non encore programmé