
Corporate Entrepreneurship

Code UE : USII1B

  • Cours
  • 3 crédits



Olivier BASSO

Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis

  • Bachelor’s Degree holder or equivalent
  • 3 years of professional experience
  • Proficiency in English: (TOEFL IBT 90 or IELTS: 6.5 or TOEIC 800) 
  • This module is in the MBA study track: Innovation Management

L'avis des auditeurs

Les dernières réponses à l'enquête d'appréciation pour cet enseignement :

Objectifs pédagogiques

It has been said that entrepreneurship is to the company what speed is to the athlete. In the quest for sustainable competitive advantage, companies are finding that lower costs, higher quality and better customer service are not enough. Today, they must more agile, more flexible, more aggressive and more innovative in order to maintain the competitive edge. In short, they must be more entrepreneurial…
Course objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
  • a. Develop a basic knowledge of what is corporate entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurship within a corporation is similar to or different from start-up entrepreneurship
  • b. Evaluate the reasons why traditionally-organized companies find it so challenging.
  • c. Identify the elements of a corporate culture that either inhibit or support the process of intrapreneurship.
  • d. Analyze how intrapreneurial activities relate to a company’s ability to drive innovation throughout the organization.
  • e. Compare the attributes of various organizations regarded as leaders of intrapreneurship and analyze the benefits of such.
  • f. Understand the synergy necessary between leadership, corporate culture and organizational dynamics to drive successful intrapreneurship.
  • g. Construct a personal model of intrapreneurial activities to be used as a reference tool in your career development

Compétences visées

Expected learning outcomes
a. Frameworks and tools to understand a company potential to internal venturing
b. Intrapreneurial devices to develop an innovative culture
c. Strategies and tactics to improve managerial performance
d. New individual entrepreneurial competencies


If Corporate Entrepreneurship is the answer, what is the question?
How to develop intrapreneurial behaviors?
Managing the entrepreneurial project
Assessing the organizational culture
Building the entrepreneurial organization

Modalité d'évaluation

  • Contrôle continu
  • Projet(s)

Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants

Chargement du résultat...
Intitulé de la formation
Lieu(x) Package
Lieu(x) Paris
Intitulé de la formation Type Modalité(s) Lieu(x)


EPN 15 Stratégies - IIM
2 rue conté
75003 Paris
Tel :01 40 27 26 36
Emmanuelle Rochefort
Voir le site

Voir le calendrier, le tarif, les conditions d'accessibilité et les modalités d'inscription dans le(s) centre(s) d'enseignement qui propose(nt) cette formation.

Enseignement non encore programmé